
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Spring is in the Air

We've been blessed this year with an extremely mild winter and we've seen very little of the usual dry and damaging winds that batter this part of the world.  As February comes ever closer it becomes time for me to dig out my seeds and decide what we'll be planting in the veg patch this year.

Our little terraces are not looking as bad as they usually do this year and our little lemon and orange trees are still bearing fruit.  Seriously, nothing smells as wonderful as a home grown lemon—it is quite out of this world.  Our oleander bush has seeded this year and t'husband has planted some up in our little propagator, so with any luck we will have plenty of new plants to use for our Guest House next year.

My lovely little lemon tree

We spend a lot of time on our terrace over the summer months. Many an evening will be spent gazing at the stars and taking in the scent of our night blooming plants and watching t'husband expertly turning meat on the Barbeque.

Sadly, I wish that we could afford better garden furniture though, our old table and chairs has seen better days and garden furniture over here costs a fortune.  We wish we had better garden centres to visit, one of the many things that I miss about Blighty.

The Hayes Garden World website is a great place to visit to give me ideas for our gardening and terrace projects and also to keep abreast of the gardening calendar.  It has lots of great articles covering everything from seasonal gardening tips, landscaping, how to attract wildlife to your garden, garden furniture maintenance and even articles about how to barbeque.   The website is easy to use, easy on the eye and has lots of information for the experience and novice gardener alike, including a great section for budding young gardeners.

The garden centre itself is based in Ambleside in the Lake District, somewhere we know well as t'inlaws have a holiday cottage there.  We have often potted around the garden centre when the weather has looked less favourable for a ramble or mountain climb.   As well as all the usual gardening stock you would expect to find, Hayes Garden World also has an aquatics shop and an excellent home shop as well and more over, a fantastic online shop that sells everything from kitchen products to model boats and garden furniture to patio heaters.

Hayes Garden World will deliver throughout the UK and Ireland and even give delivery prices for anywhere in Europe.  You can read all about Hayes Garden Centre on